Ph: 098-41-95-156(Ec) / email:


  • Galapagos, seems to be one of the nicest spots on Earth...







  • Orchids nursery, 750 beautiful different types...





  • Hacienda Trinidad, located few kilometers from Malacatos (Ecuador), the "Hacienda Trinidad" is a unique place. 150 years old with all kept in the state, furniture, dishes, tavern, stable, sugar cane alcohol factory...





  • Idols of Loja, "Reina del Cisne", the most famous of all in the region. For sale in many religious shops and in front of churches.





  • Cathedral of Malacatos, 12 kilometers from Vilcabamba.





  • Centro Recreacional Yamburara is 5 minutes walk from Vilcabamba. Swimming pool, games and a Zoo.





  • Agua de Hierro / IRON WATER is located above Vilcabamba





  • Mandango is located at 2028 meters high. It takes 1 hour and 30 minutes to get there from Vilcabamba



Roger has felt on the trail of Mandango...Some have even died...Beware of the danger!



  • Mandango , on the 11th of September at 6.35 PM....3 UFO, 1 on the left of Mandango and 2 on the right looking from Vilcabamba village. In the "news" section, 2 days earlier, there is another video of the same sort, filmed at the same time...




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